Utah Next State Looking Into Immigration Enforcment Law

Looks like Arizona’s passage of Senate Bill 1070 has given impetus to another.  Sadly, federal inaction is the driving force.

Lawmaker wants to bring Arizona immigration law to Utah.  Salt Lake Tribune.

Rep. Stephen Sandstrom, R-Orem, is drafting a bill that would require immigrants to carry proof of status and require law enforcement officers to question anyone they believe is in the country without documentation. The bill also would target employers who hire or transport undocumented immigrants as a preventive measure against the swell of undocumented immigrants he predicts would come to Utah from Arizona once the law there takes effect.

And enforcing a law such as this is what is needed to curtail problems such as identity theft in the state, where 16 percent of identity theft is stolen Social Security numbers used to illegally obtain a job , said Ron Mortensen, co-founder of the Utah Coalition on Illegal Immigration.

Looks like Utah residents may be in the same pickle as those in Arizona.  The feds are simply failing either willfully or tacitly, in their immigration enforcement.  Thus, the states are left looking for ways to tackle a problem in concert with federal laws already in place. 


3 responses to “Utah Next State Looking Into Immigration Enforcment Law

  1. GAR! See my comment at McNorman’s- somebody is trying very very hard to give Barry a helping hand- he can use this to play the race card and rewin the Hispanic vote- God help us- are the Repubs this dumb?????

    I am lurking but wanted to get around and sy Hi to everybody- Keep holding the fort for me!

  2. thetownecrier

    PMM, take your time and mosey about as can do. We are all rootin’ for you.

  3. Pingback: As Arizona Goes, So Will Texas « Mcnorman's Weblog