ACORN Registers Mickey Mouse In Tampa


“ACORN duplicates.”
Image courtesy of

ACORN was quite busy this summer registering voters.  Why they even got Mickey Mouse, signature and all pertinent information, to register in the nick of time.  The St. Petersburg Times goes on to inform us,



Mickey Mouse tried to register to vote in Florida this summer, but Orange County elections officials rejected his application, which had an ACORN stamp on it.

Mickey Mouse tried to register to vote in Florida this summer, but Orange County elections officials rejected his application, which had an ACORN stamp on it.
“Mickey Mouse’s Florida voter registration application.”
Image courtesy of

So far, no reports on any other Disney characters being registered by ACORN.

“Mickey Mouse”
Image courtesy of

McNorman brings us up to date on the voter fraud problems in Ohio.  Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner must now comply with a court order to continue to do her job and prevent voter registration fraud.  No waiting around running the clock down, standing idly, and just looking at those voter registrations to see if they will say, “I am valid,” or “I am a fraud.”  This is important as Ohio is tight state race with gobs of electoral votes up for grabs.

She must do her work and turn the verification system back on while awaiting a full hearing which may not come until after the election. says,

Late in the day – in a victory for Republicans – the full Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a decision made last week by three of its members. The result: Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner must create computer programs to cross check all new voter registrations so that county boards of elections can doublecheck new registrants.

The Secretary of State will now have to verify new registrations by comparing information on them with data from the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles or the Social Security Administration.

“As far as we can tell, the problem with the current system (of cross-checking) is not that it is insufficiently user-friendly, but that it is effectively useless,” wrote Judge Jeffrey Sutton, writing for the majority.

U.S. Senator John Cornyn has now asked the U.S. Attorney General to initiate a nationwide criminal probe into ACORN voter registration activites.

An incredible updated read on the ACORN activities that will keep you scrolling to the very last line of this story at McNorman’s.  Tidbit:  don’t miss the last entry on the radio conversation with an official spokesman for Ohio’s Secretary Brunner, trying to list safeguards in place to protect the integrity of the process and prevent fraud, and then abruptly hanging up the phone.

Image courtesy of


2 responses to “ACORN Registers Mickey Mouse In Tampa

  1. Pingback: Obama Looks to Diffuse ACORN Controversy and Distance Himself … Is Obama Suddenly Allergic to Nuts? | Scared Monkeys

  2. Seeking Job